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Держись заглавья Кругозор!.. Наум Коржавин


Опубликовано 3 Ноября 2010 в 06:38 EDT

"Уважаемый Конгрессмен! Я призываю Вас внести на рассмотрение Конгресса законопроект, согласно которому будет обеспечена охрана исторического района 9/11, чтобы предотвратить его разрушение или осквернение... Такой закон окажет почесть погибшим в теракте 9/11 и успокоит их семьи. Границы такого района значительно шире, чем строительная площадка Ground Zero, где ведутся работы. Весь этот район должен быть сохранен для будущих поколений, как исторический памятник - согласно существующим законам охраны исторических памятников..."

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(Пе­ревод с ан­глий­ско­го)

Ува­жа­емый Кон­грессмен!

Я при­зываю Вас внес­ти на рас­смот­ре­ние Кон­грес­са за­коноп­ро­ект, сог­ласно ко­торо­му бу­дет обес­пе­чена ох­ра­на ис­то­ричес­ко­го рай­она 9/11, что­бы пре­дот­вра­тить его раз­ру­шение или ос­квер­не­ние, как это бы­ло пред­ло­жено в пись­ме, пос­ланно­го Вам Ко­али­ци­ей "Ува­жай­те ис­то­ричес­кий дос­топри­меча­тель­ный рай­он 9/11". Та­кой за­кон ока­жет по­честь по­гиб­шим в те­рак­те 9/11 и ус­по­ко­ит их семьи. Гра­ницы та­кого рай­она зна­читель­но ши­ре, чем стро­итель­ная пло­щад­ка Ground Zero, где ве­дут­ся ра­боты. Весь этот рай­он дол­жен быть сох­ра­нен для бу­дущих по­коле­ний, как ис­то­ричес­кий па­мят­ник - сог­ласно су­щес­тву­ющим за­конам ох­ра­ны ис­то­ричес­ких па­мят­ни­ков.

Как из­вес­тно, для аме­рикан­ской юри­дичес­кой сис­те­мы чрез­вы­чай­но важ­на сис­те­ма юри­дичес­ко­го пре­цеден­та. Тра­гедия, про­ис­шедшая на Ground Zero в Нью-Й­ор­ке, Пен­та­гоне в Ва­шин­гто­не и в Пен­силь­ва­нии 11 сен­тября 2001 г., име­ет ис­то­ричес­кий пре­цедент та­ких же важ­ности, раз­ма­ха, об­сто­ятель­ств и пос­ледс­твий, как япон­ская ата­ка на Перл Хар­бор (Pearl Harbor) 69 лет то­му на­зад. Что­бы сох­ра­нить этот ис­то­ричес­кий па­мят­ник, ох­ра­нить от ос­квер­не­ния и от­дать по­чес­ти по­гиб­шим, в 1962 г. был пос­тро­ен Перл Хар­бор на­ци­ональ­ный ме­мори­ал, а в на­чале 1964 г. был ус­та­нов­лен "Перл Хар­бор ис­то­ричес­кий дос­топри­меча­тель­ный рай­он". Он вклю­чён в На­ци­ональ­ный ре­естр ис­то­ричес­ких па­мят­ни­ков и ох­ра­ня­ет­ся аме­рикан­ски­ми за­кона­ми ох­ра­ны ис­то­ричес­ких па­мят­ни­ков. Я уве­рен, что сог­ласно та­ким же за­конам дол­жен ох­ра­нять­ся "ис­то­ричес­кий дос­топри­меча­тель­ный рай­он 9/11".

На Ground Zero джи­хадис­ты-са­мо­убий­цы уби­ли боль­ше не­вин­ных аме­рикан­ских граж­дан, чем в Перл Хар­бор. В от­вет на это зло­де­яние Аме­рика на­чала вой­ну (с ис­ла­мист­ски­ми тер­ро­рис­та­ми), ко­торая про­дол­жа­ет­ся до сих пор и в ко­торой от рук тер­ро­рис­тов по­гиб­ли ты­сячи аме­рикан­цев.  Мне аб­со­лют­но яс­но, что тра­гичес­кие со­бытия на Ground Zero дол­жны быть уве­кове­чены и ох­ра­нять­ся не ме­нее, чем по­доб­ные со­бытия в Перл Хар­бор. Од­на­ко, Ад­ми­нис­тра­ция гор. Нью-Й­ор­ка и её Ко­мис­сия по ох­ра­не ис­то­ричес­ких па­мят­ни­ков  не оп­ре­дели­ла гра­ницы "ис­то­ричес­ко­го дос­топри­меча­тель­но­го рай­она 9/11" и не обес­пе­чила его ох­ра­ны, та­ким об­ра­зом на­рушив свои пря­мые обя­зан­ности.
В свя­зи с пла­ном пос­тро­ить ме­четь в двух квар­та­лах от стро­итель­ной пло­щад­ки Ground Zero важ­ность ус­та­нов­ле­ния "ис­то­ричес­ко­го дос­топри­меча­тель­но­го рай­она 9/11" ста­ла еще яс­нее. К со­жале­нию, стро­итель­ство ме­чети счи­талось бы ос­квер­не­ни­ем это­го рай­она. Ес­ли бы к зда­нию, рас­по­ложен­но­му по ад­ре­су 45 Park Place, бы­ли при­мене­ны кри­терии ис­то­ричес­ко­го дос­топри­меча­тель­но­го рай­она 9/11, оно, без сом­не­ния, бы­ло бы оп­ре­деле­но, как важ­ный ис­то­ричес­кий па­мят­ник ("contributing property")  "ис­то­ричес­ко­го дос­топри­меча­тель­но­го рай­она рай­она 9/11", по­тому что оно бы­ло пов­режде­но частью од­но­го из са­моле­тов, вре­зав­шихся в баш­ни-близ­не­цы. В этом слу­чае вмес­то раз­ре­шения на снос, это зда­ние дол­жно бы­ло бы ох­ра­нять­ся за­кона­ми ох­ра­ны ис­то­ричес­ких па­мят­ни­ков.

Вся бо­лез­ненная си­ту­ация в свя­зи с пла­ном пос­тро­ить ме­четь "по­сыпа­ла соль на не­зажи­ва­ющую ра­ну" род­ных жертв 9/11 и уси­лила по­зиции на­ших вра­гов. Это - так­же по­пыт­ка об­ма­на и ли­шения не­отъ­ем­ле­мых кон­сти­туци­он­ных прав аме­рикан­ско­го на­рода сох­ра­нить па­мят­ни­ки на­ци­ональ­ной ис­то­рии и пре­дох­ра­нить ис­то­ричес­кие рай­оны от ос­квер­не­ния и раз­ру­шения. По­это­му я про­шу Вас сде­лать всё не­об­хо­димое, что­бы как мож­но ско­рее был при­нят за­кон, сог­ласно ко­торо­му бу­дут пред­при­няты сле­ду­ющие дей­ствия:

- не­мед­ленно за­моро­зить все стро­итель­ные ра­боты и ра­боты по сно­су су­щес­тву­ющих зда­ний вок­руг Ground Zero на дос­та­точ­но ши­рокой пло­щади, ко­торая мо­жет вой­ти в "ис­то­ричес­кий дос­топри­меча­тель­ный рай­он 9/11";

- наз­на­чить не­зави­симую ком­пе­тен­тную ко­мис­сию Кон­грес­са для обоз­на­чения гра­ниц "ис­то­ричес­ко­го дос­топри­меча­тель­но­го рай­она 9/11" и сос­тавле­ния спис­ка ис­то­ричес­ких па­мят­ни­ков ("contributing properties")  это­го рай­она, вклю­чая все со­ору­жения, ко­торые бы­ли пов­режде­ны, а так­же мес­та, где про­из­во­дились спа­сатель­ные ра­боты и ра­боты по лик­ви­дации пос­ледс­твий те­рак­та;

- ус­та­новить "9/11 National Historic Landmark District" и внес­ти его в "На­ци­ональ­ный ре­естр ис­то­ричес­ких мест и па­мят­ни­ков", ох­ра­ня­емых за­коном, пре­дус­мотрев не­об­хо­димые средс­тва для ох­ра­ны "ис­то­ричес­ко­го дос­топри­меча­тель­но­го рай­она 9/11".

Как по­казы­ва­ют все оп­ро­сы об­щес­твен­но­го мне­ния, эти ме­ры от­ра­жа­ют во­лю боль­шинс­тва аме­рикан­цев и жи­телей Нью-Й­ор­ка. Как граж­да­нин (граж­данка) Со­еди­нен­ных Шта­тов Аме­рики, я нас­то­ятель­но тре­бую, что­бы мои не­отъ­ем­ле­мые кон­сти­туци­он­ные граж­дан­ские пра­ва бы­ли соб­лю­дены.

Бла­года­рю Вас за вни­мание. Со­об­щи­те мне, по­жалуй­ста, о Ва­ших дей­стви­ях.

С ува­жени­ем,

Имя (ак­ку­рат­но)                       Ад­рес                              Го­род              Ин­декс                Под­пись

(под­пи­сывать и по­сылать толь­ко ан­глий­ский текст)

November, 2010

The Honorable

U.S. House of Representatives

Washington, DC 20515

Dear Congressman ___________,

I am calling on you to support legislation providing legal historical landmark protection to the 9/11 historic district to prevent its destruction and/or desecration. This legislation will pay honors to the victims of 9/11 and comfort their families. The area of such district is much larger than the ongoing Ground Zero construction site and must be preserved for future generations using existing National Historic Sites and Preservation acts and laws.

As it is well known, legal precedents are very important in the American system of law. The tragedy at Ground Zero in New York, Pentagon in Washington, DC and in rural Pennsylvania have an historical precedent of the same importance, magnitude, circumstances and consequences as the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor sixty-nine years ago. To provide historical preservation, protection from desecration and to pay honors to the victims, the Pearl Harbor National Memorial was created in 1962, and the Pearl Harbor National Historic Landmark District was established in early 1964. It is included in the National List of Historic Places and protected by the U.S. Landmark Preservation Laws. I believe that the same laws should be used to protect the "9/11 Historic Landmark District."

At the Ground Zero, jihadists-kamikazes killed more innocent American citizens than at Pearl Harbor. After this atrocity, America has engaged in an ongoing war where thousands of Americans have been killed by her enemy. It is obvious to me that the Ground Zero's tragic events must be commemorated and protected in no less a way than those at Pearl Harbor. However, the City of New York and its Landmarks Preservation Commission have failed to define the boundaries and establish a legal protection for the "9/11 Historic Landmark District", thus shamefully violating its obligations.

With the controversial plan to build a mosque two blocks from the Ground Zero construction site, the importance of the establishment of the "9/11 Historic Landmark District" becomes even more clear. Unfortunately, and tragically so, the building of the mosque would be considered its desecration. If the criteria of 9/11 were to be applied to the controversial building of the mosque, the building 45 Park Place undoubtedly would be classified as a contributing property of the "9/11 Historic Landmark District" because it was damaged with remains from one of the crashed airplanes. Thus, it must be protected by the preservation laws instead of being allowed to be slated for demolition.

This entire situation has caused substantial unnecessary pain to the families of the victims of 9/11, and it has strengthened our country's enemies. It is also an attempt of deception, deprivation and aggravated assault on the unalienable and undeniable Constitutional rights of the American people to preserve memory of our national history and protect national historical places from their desecration, dishonor and destruction. Therefore, I respectfully request you to support the legislation that would immediately enforce the following corrective actions:

" Freeze any demolition and construction work in the area wide enough to include in the "9/11 Historic Landmark District."

" Appoint an independent and competent Congressional Commission to develop a proposal for the boundaries of the "9/11 Historic Landmark District" and prepare a list of contributing properties of such district. It shall include all areas of destruction, damage, rescue and support related to 9/11.

" Establish the "9/11 National Historic Landmark District" that shall be officially recognized by Congress and the U.S. President, placed on the National List of Historic Places, and provide the necessary protection and funding.

As polls show, these measures reflect the strong will of a majority of Americans.  As a citizen of the United States of America, I demand and insist that our unalienable and undeniable Constitutional rights in this matter be honored and satisfied.

Thank you for your attention. Please inform me of your actions,

Sincerely yours,

_____________________________________________________________________________________                       First and Last Name (print)                          Address                                City        Zip Code                 Signature              


November, 2010

The Honorable Michael E. McMahon

U.S. House of Representatives

13th Congressional District

265 New Dorp Lane, 2nd Floor

Staten Island, NY 10306


Dear Congressman McMahon,

I am calling on you to introduce legislation to provide legal historical landmark protection to the 9/11 historic district to prevent its destruction and/or desecration, as it is requested in the letter sent to you by the Coalition "Honor 9/11 Historic Landmark District". This legislation will pay honors to the victims of 9/11 and comfort their families. The area of such district is much larger than the ongoing Ground Zero construction site and must be preserved for future generations using existing National Historic Sites and Preservation acts and laws.

As it is well known, legal precedents are very important in the American system of law. The tragedy at Ground Zero in New York, Pentagon in Washington, DC and in rural Pennsylvania have an historical precedent of the same importance, magnitude, circumstances and consequences as the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor sixty-nine years ago. To provide historical preservation, protection from desecration and to pay honors to the victims, the Pearl Harbor National Memorial was created in 1962, and the Pearl Harbor National Historic Landmark District was established in early 1964. It is included in the National List of Historic Places and protected by the U.S. Landmark Preservation Laws. I believe that the same laws should be used to protect the "9/11 Historic Landmark District."

At the Ground Zero, jihadists-kamikazes killed more innocent American citizens than at Pearl Harbor. After this atrocity, America has engaged in an ongoing war where thousands of Americans have been killed by her enemy. It is obvious to me that the Ground Zero's tragic events must be commemorated and protected in no less a way than those at Pearl Harbor. However, the City of New York and its Landmarks Preservation Commission have failed to define the boundaries and establish a legal protection for the "9/11 Historic Landmark District", thus shamefully violating its obligations.

With the controversial plan to build a mosque two blocks from the Ground Zero construction site, the importance of the establishment of the "9/11 Historic Landmark District" becomes even more clear. Unfortunately, and tragically so, the building of the mosque would be considered its desecration. If the criteria of 9/11 were to be applied to the controversial building of the mosque, the building 45 Park Place undoubtedly would be classified as a contributing property of the "9/11 Historic Landmark District" because it was damaged with remains from one of the crashed airplanes. Thus, it must be protected by the preservation laws instead of being allowed to be slated for demolition.

This entire situation has caused substantial unnecessary pain to the families of the victims of 9/11, and it has strengthened our country's enemies. It is also an attempt of deception, deprivation and aggravated assault on the unalienable and undeniable Constitutional rights of the American people to preserve memory of our national history and protect national historical places from their desecration, dishonor and destruction. Therefore, I respectfully request you to introduce to the U.S. Congress the legislation that would immediately enforce the following corrective actions:

" Freeze any demolition and construction work in the area wide enough to include in the "9/11 Historic Landmark District."

" Appoint an independent and competent Congressional Commission to develop a proposal for the boundaries of the "9/11 Historic Landmark District" and prepare a list of contributing properties of such district. It shall include all areas of destruction, damage, rescue and support related to 9/11.

" Establish the "9/11 National Historic Landmark District" that shall be officially recognized by Congress and the U.S. President, placed on the National List of Historic Places, and provide the necessary protection and funding.

As polls show, these measures reflect the strong will of a majority of Americans.  As a citizen of the United States of America, I demand and insist that our unalienable and undeniable Constitutional rights in this matter be honored and satisfied.

Thank you for your attention. Please inform me of your actions,

Sincerely yours,

_____________________________________________________________________________________                       First and Last Name (print)                          Address                                City        Zip Code                 Signature              


November, 2010

The Honorable Peter T. King

U.S. House of Representatives

3rd Congressional District

1003 Park Blvd.

Massapequa Park, NY 11762


Dear Congressman King,

I am calling on you to introduce legislation to provide legal historical landmark protection to the 9/11 historic district to prevent its destruction and/or desecration, as it is requested in the letter sent to you by the Coalition "Honor 9/11 Historic Landmark District". This legislation will pay honors to the victims of 9/11 and comfort their families. The area of such district is much larger than the ongoing Ground Zero construction site and must be preserved for future generations using existing National Historic Sites and Preservation acts and laws.

As it is well known, legal precedents are very important in the American system of law. The tragedy at Ground Zero in New York, Pentagon in Washington, DC and in rural Pennsylvania have an historical precedent of the same importance, magnitude, circumstances and consequences as the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor sixty-nine years ago. To provide historical preservation, protection from desecration and to pay honors to the victims, the Pearl Harbor National Memorial was created in 1962, and the Pearl Harbor National Historic Landmark District was established in early 1964. It is included in the National List of Historic Places and protected by the U.S. Landmark Preservation Laws. I believe that the same laws should be used to protect the "9/11 Historic Landmark District."

At the Ground Zero, jihadists-kamikazes killed more innocent American citizens than at Pearl Harbor. After this atrocity, America has engaged in an ongoing war where thousands of Americans have been killed by her enemy. It is obvious to me that the Ground Zero's tragic events must be commemorated and protected in no less a way than those at Pearl Harbor. However, the City of New York and its Landmarks Preservation Commission have failed to define the boundaries and establish a legal protection for the "9/11 Historic Landmark District", thus shamefully violating its obligations.

With the controversial plan to build a mosque two blocks from the Ground Zero construction site, the importance of the establishment of the "9/11 Historic Landmark District" becomes even more clear. Unfortunately, and tragically so, the building of the mosque would be considered its desecration. If the criteria of 9/11 were to be applied to the controversial building of the mosque, the building 45 Park Place undoubtedly would be classified as a contributing property of the "9/11 Historic Landmark District" because it was damaged with remains from one of the crashed airplanes. Thus, it must be protected by the preservation laws instead of being allowed to be slated for demolition.

This entire situation has caused substantial unnecessary pain to the families of the victims of 9/11, and it has strengthened our country's enemies. It is also an attempt of deception, deprivation and aggravated assault on the unalienable and undeniable Constitutional rights of the American people to preserve memory of our national history and protect national historical places from their desecration, dishonor and destruction. Therefore, I respectfully request you to introduce to the U.S. Congress the legislation that would immediately enforce the following corrective actions:

" Freeze any demolition and construction work in the area wide enough to include in the "9/11 Historic Landmark District."

" Appoint an independent and competent Congressional Commission to develop a proposal for the boundaries of the "9/11 Historic Landmark District" and prepare a list of contributing properties of such district. It shall include all areas of destruction, damage, rescue and support related to 9/11.

" Establish the "9/11 National Historic Landmark District" that shall be officially recognized by Congress and the U.S. President, placed on the National List of Historic Places, and provide the necessary protection and funding.

As polls show, these measures reflect the strong will of a majority of Americans.  As a citizen of the United States of America, I demand and insist that our unalienable and undeniable Constitutional rights in this matter be honored and satisfied.

Thank you for your attention. Please inform me of your actions,

Sincerely yours,

_____________________________________________________________________________________                       First and Last Name (print)                          Address                                City        Zip Code                 Signature

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