Опубликовано 3 Ноября 2010 в 06:38 EDT
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(Перевод с английского)
Уважаемый Конгрессмен!
Я призываю Вас внести на рассмотрение Конгресса законопроект, согласно которому будет обеспечена охрана исторического района 9/11, чтобы предотвратить его разрушение или осквернение, как это было предложено в письме, посланного Вам Коалицией "Уважайте исторический достопримечательный район 9/11". Такой закон окажет почесть погибшим в теракте 9/11 и успокоит их семьи. Границы такого района значительно шире, чем строительная площадка Ground Zero, где ведутся работы. Весь этот район должен быть сохранен для будущих поколений, как исторический памятник - согласно существующим законам охраны исторических памятников.
Как известно, для американской юридической системы чрезвычайно важна система юридического прецедента. Трагедия, происшедшая на Ground Zero в Нью-Йорке, Пентагоне в Вашингтоне и в Пенсильвании 11 сентября 2001 г., имеет исторический прецедент таких же важности, размаха, обстоятельств и последствий, как японская атака на Перл Харбор (Pearl Harbor) 69 лет тому назад. Чтобы сохранить этот исторический памятник, охранить от осквернения и отдать почести погибшим, в 1962 г. был построен Перл Харбор национальный мемориал, а в начале 1964 г. был установлен "Перл Харбор исторический достопримечательный район". Он включён в Национальный реестр исторических памятников и охраняется американскими законами охраны исторических памятников. Я уверен, что согласно таким же законам должен охраняться "исторический достопримечательный район 9/11".
На Ground Zero джихадисты-самоубийцы убили больше невинных американских граждан, чем в Перл Харбор. В ответ на это злодеяние Америка начала войну (с исламистскими террористами), которая продолжается до сих пор и в которой от рук террористов погибли тысячи американцев. Мне абсолютно ясно, что трагические события на Ground Zero должны быть увековечены и охраняться не менее, чем подобные события в Перл Харбор. Однако, Администрация гор. Нью-Йорка и её Комиссия по охране исторических памятников не определила границы "исторического достопримечательного района 9/11" и не обеспечила его охраны, таким образом нарушив свои прямые обязанности.
В связи с планом построить мечеть в двух кварталах от строительной площадки Ground Zero важность установления "исторического достопримечательного района 9/11" стала еще яснее. К сожалению, строительство мечети считалось бы осквернением этого района. Если бы к зданию, расположенному по адресу 45 Park Place, были применены критерии исторического достопримечательного района 9/11, оно, без сомнения, было бы определено, как важный исторический памятник ("contributing property") "исторического достопримечательного района района 9/11", потому что оно было повреждено частью одного из самолетов, врезавшихся в башни-близнецы. В этом случае вместо разрешения на снос, это здание должно было бы охраняться законами охраны исторических памятников.
Вся болезненная ситуация в связи с планом построить мечеть "посыпала соль на незаживающую рану" родных жертв 9/11 и усилила позиции наших врагов. Это - также попытка обмана и лишения неотъемлемых конституционных прав американского народа сохранить памятники национальной истории и предохранить исторические районы от осквернения и разрушения. Поэтому я прошу Вас сделать всё необходимое, чтобы как можно скорее был принят закон, согласно которому будут предприняты следующие действия:
- немедленно заморозить все строительные работы и работы по сносу существующих зданий вокруг Ground Zero на достаточно широкой площади, которая может войти в "исторический достопримечательный район 9/11";
- назначить независимую компетентную комиссию Конгресса для обозначения границ "исторического достопримечательного района 9/11" и составления списка исторических памятников ("contributing properties") этого района, включая все сооружения, которые были повреждены, а также места, где производились спасательные работы и работы по ликвидации последствий теракта;
- установить "9/11 National Historic Landmark District" и внести его в "Национальный реестр исторических мест и памятников", охраняемых законом, предусмотрев необходимые средства для охраны "исторического достопримечательного района 9/11".
Как показывают все опросы общественного мнения, эти меры отражают волю большинства американцев и жителей Нью-Йорка. Как гражданин (гражданка) Соединенных Штатов Америки, я настоятельно требую, чтобы мои неотъемлемые конституционные гражданские права были соблюдены.
Благодарю Вас за внимание. Сообщите мне, пожалуйста, о Ваших действиях.
С уважением,
Имя (аккуратно) Адрес Город Индекс Подпись
(подписывать и посылать только английский текст)
November, 2010
The Honorable
U.S. House of Representatives
Washington, DC 20515
Dear Congressman ___________,
I am calling on you to support legislation providing legal historical landmark protection to the 9/11 historic district to prevent its destruction and/or desecration. This legislation will pay honors to the victims of 9/11 and comfort their families. The area of such district is much larger than the ongoing Ground Zero construction site and must be preserved for future generations using existing National Historic Sites and Preservation acts and laws.
As it is well known, legal precedents are very important in the American system of law. The tragedy at Ground Zero in New York, Pentagon in Washington, DC and in rural Pennsylvania have an historical precedent of the same importance, magnitude, circumstances and consequences as the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor sixty-nine years ago. To provide historical preservation, protection from desecration and to pay honors to the victims, the Pearl Harbor National Memorial was created in 1962, and the Pearl Harbor National Historic Landmark District was established in early 1964. It is included in the National List of Historic Places and protected by the U.S. Landmark Preservation Laws. I believe that the same laws should be used to protect the "9/11 Historic Landmark District."
At the Ground Zero, jihadists-kamikazes killed more innocent American citizens than at Pearl Harbor. After this atrocity, America has engaged in an ongoing war where thousands of Americans have been killed by her enemy. It is obvious to me that the Ground Zero's tragic events must be commemorated and protected in no less a way than those at Pearl Harbor. However, the City of New York and its Landmarks Preservation Commission have failed to define the boundaries and establish a legal protection for the "9/11 Historic Landmark District", thus shamefully violating its obligations.
With the controversial plan to build a mosque two blocks from the Ground Zero construction site, the importance of the establishment of the "9/11 Historic Landmark District" becomes even more clear. Unfortunately, and tragically so, the building of the mosque would be considered its desecration. If the criteria of 9/11 were to be applied to the controversial building of the mosque, the building 45 Park Place undoubtedly would be classified as a contributing property of the "9/11 Historic Landmark District" because it was damaged with remains from one of the crashed airplanes. Thus, it must be protected by the preservation laws instead of being allowed to be slated for demolition.
This entire situation has caused substantial unnecessary pain to the families of the victims of 9/11, and it has strengthened our country's enemies. It is also an attempt of deception, deprivation and aggravated assault on the unalienable and undeniable Constitutional rights of the American people to preserve memory of our national history and protect national historical places from their desecration, dishonor and destruction. Therefore, I respectfully request you to support the legislation that would immediately enforce the following corrective actions:
" Freeze any demolition and construction work in the area wide enough to include in the "9/11 Historic Landmark District."
" Appoint an independent and competent Congressional Commission to develop a proposal for the boundaries of the "9/11 Historic Landmark District" and prepare a list of contributing properties of such district. It shall include all areas of destruction, damage, rescue and support related to 9/11.
" Establish the "9/11 National Historic Landmark District" that shall be officially recognized by Congress and the U.S. President, placed on the National List of Historic Places, and provide the necessary protection and funding.
As polls show, these measures reflect the strong will of a majority of Americans. As a citizen of the United States of America, I demand and insist that our unalienable and undeniable Constitutional rights in this matter be honored and satisfied.
Thank you for your attention. Please inform me of your actions,
Sincerely yours,
_____________________________________________________________________________________ First and Last Name (print) Address City Zip Code Signature
November, 2010
The Honorable Michael E. McMahon
U.S. House of Representatives
13th Congressional District
265 New Dorp Lane, 2nd Floor
Staten Island, NY 10306
Dear Congressman McMahon,
I am calling on you to introduce legislation to provide legal historical landmark protection to the 9/11 historic district to prevent its destruction and/or desecration, as it is requested in the letter sent to you by the Coalition "Honor 9/11 Historic Landmark District". This legislation will pay honors to the victims of 9/11 and comfort their families. The area of such district is much larger than the ongoing Ground Zero construction site and must be preserved for future generations using existing National Historic Sites and Preservation acts and laws.
As it is well known, legal precedents are very important in the American system of law. The tragedy at Ground Zero in New York, Pentagon in Washington, DC and in rural Pennsylvania have an historical precedent of the same importance, magnitude, circumstances and consequences as the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor sixty-nine years ago. To provide historical preservation, protection from desecration and to pay honors to the victims, the Pearl Harbor National Memorial was created in 1962, and the Pearl Harbor National Historic Landmark District was established in early 1964. It is included in the National List of Historic Places and protected by the U.S. Landmark Preservation Laws. I believe that the same laws should be used to protect the "9/11 Historic Landmark District."
At the Ground Zero, jihadists-kamikazes killed more innocent American citizens than at Pearl Harbor. After this atrocity, America has engaged in an ongoing war where thousands of Americans have been killed by her enemy. It is obvious to me that the Ground Zero's tragic events must be commemorated and protected in no less a way than those at Pearl Harbor. However, the City of New York and its Landmarks Preservation Commission have failed to define the boundaries and establish a legal protection for the "9/11 Historic Landmark District", thus shamefully violating its obligations.
With the controversial plan to build a mosque two blocks from the Ground Zero construction site, the importance of the establishment of the "9/11 Historic Landmark District" becomes even more clear. Unfortunately, and tragically so, the building of the mosque would be considered its desecration. If the criteria of 9/11 were to be applied to the controversial building of the mosque, the building 45 Park Place undoubtedly would be classified as a contributing property of the "9/11 Historic Landmark District" because it was damaged with remains from one of the crashed airplanes. Thus, it must be protected by the preservation laws instead of being allowed to be slated for demolition.
This entire situation has caused substantial unnecessary pain to the families of the victims of 9/11, and it has strengthened our country's enemies. It is also an attempt of deception, deprivation and aggravated assault on the unalienable and undeniable Constitutional rights of the American people to preserve memory of our national history and protect national historical places from their desecration, dishonor and destruction. Therefore, I respectfully request you to introduce to the U.S. Congress the legislation that would immediately enforce the following corrective actions:
" Freeze any demolition and construction work in the area wide enough to include in the "9/11 Historic Landmark District."
" Appoint an independent and competent Congressional Commission to develop a proposal for the boundaries of the "9/11 Historic Landmark District" and prepare a list of contributing properties of such district. It shall include all areas of destruction, damage, rescue and support related to 9/11.
" Establish the "9/11 National Historic Landmark District" that shall be officially recognized by Congress and the U.S. President, placed on the National List of Historic Places, and provide the necessary protection and funding.
As polls show, these measures reflect the strong will of a majority of Americans. As a citizen of the United States of America, I demand and insist that our unalienable and undeniable Constitutional rights in this matter be honored and satisfied.
Thank you for your attention. Please inform me of your actions,
Sincerely yours,
_____________________________________________________________________________________ First and Last Name (print) Address City Zip Code Signature
November, 2010
The Honorable Peter T. King
U.S. House of Representatives
3rd Congressional District
1003 Park Blvd.
Massapequa Park, NY 11762
Dear Congressman King,
I am calling on you to introduce legislation to provide legal historical landmark protection to the 9/11 historic district to prevent its destruction and/or desecration, as it is requested in the letter sent to you by the Coalition "Honor 9/11 Historic Landmark District". This legislation will pay honors to the victims of 9/11 and comfort their families. The area of such district is much larger than the ongoing Ground Zero construction site and must be preserved for future generations using existing National Historic Sites and Preservation acts and laws.
As it is well known, legal precedents are very important in the American system of law. The tragedy at Ground Zero in New York, Pentagon in Washington, DC and in rural Pennsylvania have an historical precedent of the same importance, magnitude, circumstances and consequences as the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor sixty-nine years ago. To provide historical preservation, protection from desecration and to pay honors to the victims, the Pearl Harbor National Memorial was created in 1962, and the Pearl Harbor National Historic Landmark District was established in early 1964. It is included in the National List of Historic Places and protected by the U.S. Landmark Preservation Laws. I believe that the same laws should be used to protect the "9/11 Historic Landmark District."
At the Ground Zero, jihadists-kamikazes killed more innocent American citizens than at Pearl Harbor. After this atrocity, America has engaged in an ongoing war where thousands of Americans have been killed by her enemy. It is obvious to me that the Ground Zero's tragic events must be commemorated and protected in no less a way than those at Pearl Harbor. However, the City of New York and its Landmarks Preservation Commission have failed to define the boundaries and establish a legal protection for the "9/11 Historic Landmark District", thus shamefully violating its obligations.
With the controversial plan to build a mosque two blocks from the Ground Zero construction site, the importance of the establishment of the "9/11 Historic Landmark District" becomes even more clear. Unfortunately, and tragically so, the building of the mosque would be considered its desecration. If the criteria of 9/11 were to be applied to the controversial building of the mosque, the building 45 Park Place undoubtedly would be classified as a contributing property of the "9/11 Historic Landmark District" because it was damaged with remains from one of the crashed airplanes. Thus, it must be protected by the preservation laws instead of being allowed to be slated for demolition.
This entire situation has caused substantial unnecessary pain to the families of the victims of 9/11, and it has strengthened our country's enemies. It is also an attempt of deception, deprivation and aggravated assault on the unalienable and undeniable Constitutional rights of the American people to preserve memory of our national history and protect national historical places from their desecration, dishonor and destruction. Therefore, I respectfully request you to introduce to the U.S. Congress the legislation that would immediately enforce the following corrective actions:
" Freeze any demolition and construction work in the area wide enough to include in the "9/11 Historic Landmark District."
" Appoint an independent and competent Congressional Commission to develop a proposal for the boundaries of the "9/11 Historic Landmark District" and prepare a list of contributing properties of such district. It shall include all areas of destruction, damage, rescue and support related to 9/11.
" Establish the "9/11 National Historic Landmark District" that shall be officially recognized by Congress and the U.S. President, placed on the National List of Historic Places, and provide the necessary protection and funding.
As polls show, these measures reflect the strong will of a majority of Americans. As a citizen of the United States of America, I demand and insist that our unalienable and undeniable Constitutional rights in this matter be honored and satisfied.
Thank you for your attention. Please inform me of your actions,
Sincerely yours,
_____________________________________________________________________________________ First and Last Name (print) Address City Zip Code Signature
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